Friday, August 28, 2009

2 Weeks Old

The kittens are 2 weeks old today! Forgive me for not posting yesterday, but with a vet appointment in the morning and adoptive parents visiting in the evening, I was pooped!

Here's is the Day 13 weigh in:
308g - M [16]
243g - F [2] - was up 17g day before
277g - M - large white spot [13]
284g - M [13]
261g - M [11]

I'm pleased to report that the vet visit went very well. Willow weighs 7 1/2 lbs now which is more than she weighed the last time she went to the vet when she was pregnant! She didn't get weighed when she was super-round, but it's very good that she is so healthy. The kittens are also very healthy and did very well in the car ride and while being oohed and aahed over at the vet. Everyone came out to see the tiny little ones. I was also correct about their genders - we have 4 little dudes and one little princess.

I can see the tips of their tiny baby teeth starting to poke through their gums. When we start weaning will be up to Willow but could start as early as next week and could go on as late as week 7.

Here's today's weigh in:
260g - F [17]
321g - M [13]
288g - M - large white spot [11]
277g - M - tiny white spot [16]
292g - M [8]
[ ... ]

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

12 Days Old

Look, Ma! I can stand!

Their senses are all coming on line now. Their eyes are pretty much all the way open and very very dark blue. Still no pupils, but I expect we'll see them sometime next week. I'm pretty sure they can hear now too as their eyes widen and ears wiggle when you talk to them!

292g - M [13]
271g - M [11]
264g - M - big white mark [17]
241g - F [17]
250g - M - small white mark [7]
[ ... ]

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

11 Days Old

Everyone continues to squirm and thrive and is doing very well. Their little claws are very sharp though and I look forward to giving them a trim after their first vet visit. I would like Dr. Monica to advise me on any differences between trimming an adult's nails and a baby's nails.

They had an exciting visit today from Seana who brought them presents! Willow spotted the feathered toy straight away and proudly trotted around with her new friend. Seana also brought some kitty treats for the adult kitties and I've never seen them enjoy a treat so much! Ichabod even licked my fingers and Willow cried and begged for more. Thanks, Seana!

260 - Male [12]
279 - Male [16]
247 - Male - large white spot [4] - gained 19g the day before
243 - Male [12]
224 - Female [10]
[ ... ]

Monday, August 24, 2009

10 Days Old

The big one was up and over the edge of the box today. The squeeling he was doing while trying to make it had both Todd and I running from opposite ends of the house. Willow was sitting next to him looking at me like "What should I do?" We let him sniff around on the blanket before setting him back in the box. He hasn't been near the edge yet again today.

Weights are back up again today so either yesterday was just an off day (it was pretty hot) or perhaps I goofed when I was weighing them. Everyone does have their little eyes open a bit, though the girl kitty looks a little like a pirate because one of her eyes is a lot more open than the other. They are really hard to photograph right now because they are so wigglesome!

263g - Male [+11]
214g - Female [+10]
248g - Male [+8] he tends to be upside down a lot - Todd nicknamed him "backstroke"
231g - Male - small white mark [+10]
243g - Male - large white mark [+19]
[ ... ]

Sunday, August 23, 2009

9 Days Old

Wobbly Legs + Open Eyes = Exploration

The big guy who has his eyes open twice as much as the others is very curious about what is outside the box. They are all quite stumbly and wobbly and spending more time in between eating and sleeping. Everyone is also now umbilical cord free! Yeah! Some have no trace of ever having one, while a few have a bit of a scab left.

Today's weigh in was a bit shocking and has me a eensy-weensy bit concerned. Maybe Willow's milk production slowed or maybe the heat has kept her out of the box more, but the kittens did not gain nearly as much weight today as they have previously. I'm keeping an eye on it and will be sure to mention it when we go to the vet on Thursday!

221g - Male - small white mark [+5]
252g - Male - has eyes open most [+9]
240g - Male [+11]
224g - Male - large white mark [+8]
204g - Female [+4]
[ ... ]

Possible Names for Grey Kittens

Name - Meaning
Andromeda - Ancient princess, now constellation
Archimedes - Greek word meaning "contemplating, pondering"
Argenta/Argento - Latin for Silvery One
Artemis/Artemisia - Greek goddess of the moon [Could be male or female name]
Ash/Asher - Ash Tree
Aster/Astra - Star
Berliose - grey kitten in Aristocats
Bluebell - Flower
Celesta/Celesta - From Latin meaning "heavenly" for cat color of the sky
Chalcedony - greyish quartz
Dorian - After Dorian Grey
Earl - After Earl Grey
Ferris - From Latin meaning "iron"
Gandalf - the Gray Wizard
Graham - From old English "from the gray land"
Hester - From the Greek word for star
Horton - From Old English "from the gray estate"
Hyacinth - flower
Juno - Classical goddess of silvery moon
Lady Jane - After Lady Jane Grey
Mercury - Quicksilver
Nova - Latin for "new" a bright star in astronomy
Nimbus - Dark Grey Cloud
Orion - The mighty hunter from mythology, now a constellation
Shubuta - Choctaw for "smoky"
Sterling - Old English meaning "little star"
Vashti - word for star in Persian
Vivian - Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legend

It's up to their parents, but it's fun to think of names for them!
[ ... ]