1 Day Old!

Hip-Hip-Hooray! The kittens were born last night, Friday, August 14th, between 8pm and midnight. Things went pretty smoothly though kitten #3 came out backwards and so needed a little help. Around 10:30 or so when #4 arrived, we thought the show was over. An hour later, Todd went to check on her, then came back out and said, "How many kittens did you say there were?" to which I replied, "Four." He crooked his finger at me and told me I had to come in the room. Lo and behold, the magical #5 kitten had arrived. Everyone is doing well and thriving. They are much more wiggly than I thought they were. They are strong and vibrant which I take to be a very good thing. I weighed them today and they were around 95-103 grams. It's really hard to tell them apart! They should gain 10 grams a day.