Wednesday, September 23, 2009

5 1/2 weeks old!

Sorry no posts for awhile! Everyone is doing great! Weaning is progressing and playing is frisky and hilarious. Toys aren't too interesting for them yet as they prefer to attack one another and their mother. They are good eaters and about 80% accurate with their litter training. Everyone is of good disposition and it is a joy to see their personalities emerge.
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Cool Cat Facts

*Cats hear 3 times more frequencies than humans.

*The fastest breed of domestic cat, the Egyptian Mau, can run up to 36 miles per hour! Your average housecat can run up to 31 miles per hour.

*One unspayed or unneutered cat, can cause up to 42,000 more cats to be born in its lifetime. This is a worst case scenario number, that if each kitten also went unspayed and so on, but you get the picture. Spay or neuter your cat!!!!

*The patterns on a cat's nose are unique, like a fingerprint.
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