Here's is the Day 13 weigh in:
308g - M [16]
243g - F [2] - was up 17g day before
277g - M - large white spot [13]
284g - M [13]
261g - M [11]
I'm pleased to report that the vet visit went very well. Willow weighs 7 1/2 lbs now which is more than she weighed the last time she went to the vet when she was pregnant! She didn't get weighed when she was super-round, but it's very good that she is so healthy. The kittens are also very healthy and did very well in the car ride and while being oohed and aahed over at the vet. Everyone came out to see the tiny little ones. I was also correct about their genders - we have 4 little dudes and one little princess.
I can see the tips of their tiny baby teeth starting to poke through their gums. When we start weaning will be up to Willow but could start as early as next week and could go on as late as week 7.
Here's today's weigh in:
260g - F [17]
321g - M [13]
288g - M - large white spot [11]
277g - M - tiny white spot [16]
292g - M [8]
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