2 of them still have their umbilical cords and one other one has a small scab where it was. I'm sure it's fine, but I'm keeping an eye on it. Speaking of eyes, they should be open their wee eyes soon! Everything will be blurry for them, but I can't wait to see their blue eyes! All kittens have blue eyes for awhile, and will eventually settle into their adult color later on.
While we were weighing the kittens tonight one of them started to cry and Willow came over from eating and carried him away! It was adorable! It was the first time I've seen her carry anyone. She kinda of tried to pick him up by his head, but then settled for the scruff. My reading says sometimes they don't know how to carry them and even carry them by their legs at first!
Today's Weigh-in:
190g - Male with small white mark at neck and has umbilical cord [+15g]
198g - Male no markings with umbilical cord [+15g]
171g - Female [+14g]
191g - Male with large white mark at neck [+13]
215g - Male [+19]
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